Writing Your Wedding Vows? Here are 8 Tips on Writing from the Heart.

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Writing your wedding vows can be a bit of a feat in itself. We focus so much on planning the details of the day, but a lot of couples don’t plan time to actually write their vows.

Your vows can happen during your ceremony for all to hear, or you can opt to do them privately (or part of them!) to share those intimate hopes and promises only with each other. Whatever you decide, we recommend carving out a few hours here and there leading up to your wedding day to work on them.

Here are 8 tips for hunkering down and writing your vows:

1. Dive into Lovey-Dovey Reflection:

Grab your favourite cozy spot, maybe with a cup of tea or a glass of bubbly, and take a trip down memory lane. Think about all the goofy moments, the heartfelt conversations, and the adventures you’ve had together. Let those warm and fuzzy feelings fuel your creativity.

2. Spice it Up with Your Unique Style:

Are you and your partner the masters of wit and humor? Or perhaps you prefer the swoon-worthy, heart-melting romance? Decide on the vibe you want to bring to your vows. It’s your time to shine, so embrace your style and make your guests laugh, cry, or do both at the same time!

3. Get Inspiration from Everywhere:

Movies, songs, poems, or even that corny greeting card aisle at the store—let them all be your muse. Gather inspiration from your favourite love stories, lyrics that resonate with your journey, or even those quirky jokes that only the two of you understand. Mix it up and make it uniquely yours.

4. Draft Like a Champ:

Start scribbling down your thoughts without worrying too much about perfection. Let your emotions flow onto the paper (or screen), and don’t hold back. Write freely and capture those beautiful moments and promises you want to share with your partner

5. Structure the Sweetness:

Now it’s time to organize your ideas. Think about opening with a bang, maybe a funny anecdote or a poetic proclamation of love. Share those special moments that define your relationship and highlight the qualities you adore about your partner. And don’t forget to sprinkle in your promises and commitment to each other!

6. Tweak and Tweak Some More:

Give your vows a little extra sparkle by editing and refining them. Look for spots where you can add a pinch of humor, a heartfelt detail, or a clever play on words. Make sure they reflect your unique personalities and make you both giggle or tear up with joy.

7. Rehearse and Share the Love:

Practice, practice, practice! Recite your vows out loud to get comfortable with the words and the emotions they convey. Consider sharing them with a trusted friend or family member to see if they bring the desired impact. Their feedback can be invaluable in polishing your vows to perfection.

8. Showtime!

On your big day, take a deep breath, look into your partner’s eyes, and let the magic happen. Speak from the heart, let your words flow naturally, and savor the joy of expressing your love and commitment in front of your loved ones.

Bonus Pro Tip:

Write your vows in custom vow books – these looks fab for photos, and offer something to have as a keepsake from your special day. You can even choose to use the books to write to each other as the years pass, whether it’s love notes or renewing those vows, looking back every now and again at how far you’ve come.

Remember, this is your moment to shine, and your vows will undoubtedly be a highlight of your wedding day. So embrace the journey, have fun with it, and create an experience that truly reflects your love story!

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